Over the years, we have become attached to so many shows but only a few have met our expectations. Others sometimes disappoint or get canceled. Well, we have so many shows that got cut for unexpected reasons. Huh, we never thought some shows we love watching and our so much involvement in them would bring us disappointment. We have seen shows being cut short for some weird reasons and sometimes even we weren’t given the reason behind these unexpected cancellations.
My So-Called Life

My So-Called Life could have been a hit if they had waited for a year or two for it to work out. Well, the show My So-Called Life was based on teenage life, and all the teenagers of that time were so indulged in it and loved watching the show. It could have reached heights but before that, Claire Danes, who was the lead, decided to leave the TV show. Well, she wanted to pursue acting in films so she left her well-performing TV show behind and didn’t care about her already large fanbase from the show.

Futurama’s future was just sad. The show ran for barely a few episodes and it seemed like the network wasn’t really interested in making the show a success as it had many different time slots to telecast, which created chaos for fans and the schedule. We remember that for some days it was aired on Sunday night other days on Tuesday night and back again on Sunday at different times. Well, it was confusing and audiences stopped watching the show eventually, leading to its cut.
The Expanse

This sci-fi drama failed to catch our attention and as we all know, when a show stops catching viewers, it gets canceled. Even though the show wasn’t really working well on TV, it was doing great on streaming platforms and people loved it there. However, The Expanse got canceled and later, Prime Videos gave it another chance to succeed.

Firefly gained huge attention from fans but it turns out that the network just couldn’t care about the show and due to a network glitch, the once-started-out great show was now getting poor ratings. Well, the network aired the episodes in a different order which left all of us confused and we eventually lost interest. After 14 episodes of several glitches, Firefly got canceled.
Sports Night

This show wasn’t only loved by fans but also by critics. However, it seems like something went wrong and the ratings weren’t great, which finally led the network to cancel Sports Night. Well, a little work on the show would have helped it gain the deserved attention but again, the network was in the mood for broader appeal programs, which finally ended Sports Night.
Robin Hood

We all loved watching Robin Hood and were enjoying the show a lot until the makers decided to kill Robin Hood. Well, the death of Robin Hood wasn’t exactly the makers’ fault because Jonas Armstrong, who played Robin Hood, decided to move on from the show and explore other opportunities. Well, you cannot make a show work without its male lead, right? So Robin Hood without Robin Hood was senseless and hence it got canceled.
Happy Endings

Well, Happy Endings didn’t actually give a happy ending because the show was going great but the network couldn’t bear it because of low ratings and hence cut it short after three seasons. We do miss Happy Endings because it is such a heartwarming and happy show. We don’t know how it got low ratings because audiences loved and the critics also approved it.
Pushing Daisies

Oh, we remembered how much we loved this show, and the critics were also impressed with it. Yet, somehow this show got canceled only after two seasons. We were so disappointed and unhappy with the decision and it all happened because of the Writers Guild of America Strike. Well, some things are off our league and we cannot do anything about it apart from accepting it and moving on.

Carnivàle was a fantasy series that was quite interesting to watch. We cannot deny that it kept many of us hooked but it seems like not everyone likes fantasy shows and just needs some regular drama because Carnivàle’s viewership fell and the network had to cancel it. Even though Carnivàle was a critically acclaimed show, it just ended because of its high production costs.
Freaks and Geeks

Okay, this show was great for teens but somehow it didn’t reach them. Well, Freaks and Geeks was telecasted at the wrong timeslot. It was aired on Saturday nights and well, we all know no teen stays at home on Saturday nights. So, Freaks and Geeks didn’t receive a good rating and eventually had to be canceled.

Well, Deadwood was working fine and could have had a great future but if producers have to sort things out between them, then only a show can run well. So, just because HBO and Paramount Pictures didn’t come to the same page for finances, the show had to be cut short.

Okay, so this could be the stupidest reason for any TV show to end. Longmire was well-received among the audience and people loved watching it. We were quite excited about season four when we heard that A&E had canceled the show because it has a 50-year-plus audience. Well, it seems like you aren’t attractive to advertisers anymore after you hit a certain age. However, luckily, Netflix got us covered because it brought another three seasons of the show to us.

Angel was doing amazing and we loved watching it. The reviews and ratings were just perfect for any show to be called successful. However, this success didn’t lead to further success because the WB canceled the show when Joss Whedon asked for an early renewal. Instead of an early renewal, the show got canceled.
Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars was doing okay but then it started going bad—like, bad to the extent that CW canceled the show. Well, Veronica Mars’ fans were pretty determined to bring it back and then finally managed to fund a movie through a Kickstarter campaign. Luckily, Veronica Mars got a new chance to shine but for a short period.

Well, sometimes it feels like even if you put in the effort, something just cannot work and the same happened with Jericho because its first season received a low rating, which obviously led to its cut. However, fans were quite determined to bring it back, and we saw the show once again on TV in its second season. But fans felt really bad when even the second season didn’t live up to the mark and finally, Jericho had to be canceled.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Well, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles became our favorite show and we enjoyed it so much yet Fox cut it short because, oh, for them, the rating was too low and their production cost was too high. We still miss Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, as it was an incredible show. Those three seasons were just magical.

Okay, Moonlighting was one of the best shows of all time. We loved watching it so much and we can still binge-watch it. The chemistry between Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd was fire yet after some time, their chemistry started crippling, and we couldn’t enjoy it as much as we did before. Well, it happened because Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd were both on- and off-screen lovers and their off-screen relationship affected Moonlighting. Their increasing conflicts and fights off-screen led to the cancellation of a perfectly successful show.